Environmental and IAQ

Genera promotes and implements various environmental certifications, such as IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) and LEED accreditation. The evaluation of the Indoor Air Quality guarantees the occupational safety and health of the spaces in buildings, evaluating a wide set of chemical and biological parameters, specified and quantified in the legislation. IAQ audits can be developed in conjunction with energy audits, as there are synergies and compatibilities to be resolved between both audits. Sustainability certifications in buildings, installations or processes consist in the integration of energy, economic and environmental utilities and in the design, construction and maintenance phases of buildings, through the use of ecologically sound technologies and materials. The use of natural resources to satisfy present needs, without compromising future generations, is the foundation of sustainability. Sustainability is a factor of innovation and competitiveness to take into account when developing 360 Projects, Portugal 2020 and Tourism 2020. For any further clarification please contact us.